Data problems are probably lurking somewhere inside of your marketing stack. Don’t freak out, just yet. Most analytics packages and marketing software services that deal with data have some gaps or inaccuracies. Today’s guest is Dan McGaw, CEO and founder of McGaw.io, a marketing technology and marketing analytics consulting company. Dan talks about how to make better marketing decisions—identify and fix deeper issues to avoid data disasters. He explains everything you need to know to keep your data clean and metrics moving. [podcast_motor_player] Some of the highlights of the show include: Why is data cleanliness important? Analytics + …
The post Keeping Garbage Out of Your Data So You Can Make Better Marketing Decisions With Dan McGaw From McGaw.io [AMP 223] first appeared on COO Business.
source https://coo.systems/keeping-garbage-out-of-your-data-so-you-can-make-better-marketing-decisions-with-dan-mcgaw-from-mcgaw-io-amp-223/
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